BTT: Participation

btt2What’s your favorite part of Booking Through Thursday? Why do you participate (or not)?

I started participating because I enjoyed reading the questions and answers on other people’s blogs. It’s a fun way to get to know each other a little bit better every week. I try to visit everyone who posts, even if I don’t comment on every blog. I never know when someone’s answer will introduce me to a new author, or make me think about something familiar in a new way.

7 thoughts on “BTT: Participation

  1. I wish I could say that I try to read all of the BTT responses. I only read 10 – 20 at a time, but I do try to visit and comment on a few different blogs each week.

  2. I participated in BTT because of its thought-provoking questions. The longer I have been doing it, I more I am grateful for its community building effort. It rules!

  3. Me too. In fact I often keep a second window up on the computer when I do BTT reading because it makes it easier to order from

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog! I agree with you that BTT can introduce you to new authors who you may not have considered reading before. Happy BTT!

  5. Alison, I usually read all the ones already posted when I link to my post, and then I try to go back and read the others later. I probably do miss some of the late posters, but I try!

    Matt, I also like the questions–they are why I started participating!

    CB, I started a TBR spreadsheet for the same reason. It also helps me keep track of where I heard about the book, something I’ve been really bad about in the past. Often so many bloggers have recommended a book, I can let it pass, but in some cases I want to give credit and find I can’t remember.

    Novroz, that is true. On some blogs it takes 4 or 5 steps just to leave a comment.

    Dot, thanks for visiting me, too!

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