Armchair BEA 2014 Introduction

I’m late jumping onto this bandwagon, but I’ve never participated in Armchair BEA before (or attended BEA—maybe someday!) and it seems like fun so I’ve signed up! Participating bloggers have been asked to answer a few questions to introduce themselves, so here we go:

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?

Currently I am a consultant who focuses on enterprise customer experience (not like Spaceship Enterprise, but large businesses). I’ve been a technology marketing content consultant, a project manager, and a technical writer. Long ago I planned to be a professor of English literature, but so few people I knew were getting jobs, I changed my focus and the rest is…well, the rest. I’ve been blogging for eight years. For the first three years I blogged about perfume, and then I slowly transitioned over to books with this blog. I got into blogging when I was trying a lot of new niche perfumes and wanted a place to review and share my discoveries. As I got to know more bloggers, I found some book blogs and because I am a lifelong reader, I decided to start blogging about books instead. Believe it or not, it’s much cheaper (and easier on the nose). I currently live in Atlanta, Georgia.

Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details—Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. —so we can connect more online.

My tagline says it all: “Thoughts on books to read in your spare time.” You can follow me on Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, or Goodreads. I am also on Library Thing. (I am most active on Twitter and Goodreads.)

What genre do you read the most?

I used to read only literary fiction or classics. For many years I almost exclusively read short story collections. When I started book blogging in 2009, I met so many wonderful bloggers who opened up my eyes when it came to the world of reading contemporary fiction. I see now especially that genre is a marketing tool, so I’ll just say that I enjoy well-written, thoughtful, or unusual fiction. It can be a mystery, it can be YA, it can be fantasy, or it can be “plain” literary fiction (short stories, novels). I also enjoy non-fiction but don’t read as much of it as I would like.

What was your favorite book read last year? What’s your favorite book so far this year?

My favorite book I read last year was The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. This year so far my favorite book is Byrd by Kim Church.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 books would you bring? Why? What 3 non-book items would you bring? Why?

If I were stranded on a deserted island, I would bring Alice Munro’s Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage; Donna Tartt’s The Secret History, and…and…something by Richard Russo—either Straight Man or Empire Falls. (At least, that’s what I came up with very quickly.) The non-book-related items are no-brainers: my husband and our two kitties. (Technically not strictly items but I don’t care.)

So now you know a bit more about me. Please feel free to leave links to your own answers, or answer one or more of these below in the comments if you wish! I look forward to getting to know more of the participants this week.

*Armchair BEA button created by Amber and used courtesy of Armchair BEA. Book links all go to Powells. I have no affiliation with that site and receive no profit if you buy a book.

16 thoughts on “Armchair BEA 2014 Introduction

  1. Howdy neighbor! I’m just down the road from you in Athens. I’m glad you found Armchair BEA and hope you have a lot of fun this week. This is my 4th year and I look forward to it every year.

  2. Hi Priscilla. It’s nice to see you. How did you like today’s Twitter party?

    The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt is on my summer reading list. I have been waiting for a library copy. It seems to be on eternal hold. I think that I am going to have to buy it.

    What are you looking forward to the most at Armchair BEA this week?

  3. Hi Priscilla, so nice to meet you! I have yet to read any Donna Tartt, although I have her first two novels on my shelves. I know once I read them I’ll kick myself for waiting so long. I hope you enjoy Armchair BEA. I participated last year for the first time and loved it.

  4. I’m so glad to have found your blog! It’s always exciting to find readers with similar tastes during Armchair BEA. I tend to read eclectically, too, with many of my favorite books falling into literary, contemporary, and classic literature with other genres thrown in too! Happy Armchair BEA!

  5. I don’t read a lot of short stories and I’m using a challenge I signed-up for as an excuse to try reading Alice Munro. Do you recommend Hateship as a good starting point for her writing?

  6. Hi Donna! Thanks for visiting. I’m excited about participating. I’ve lived in Atlanta for 15 years and I still have not been to Athens!

  7. Skeeter, the Twitter party was fun when I could keep up. I was cooking and tweeting from my phone…not the easiest way to follow and chat! Mostly I am looking forward to finding new blogs and meeting new people.

  8. Holly, thanks for visiting! Yes, we are shameless kitty lovers in this house. It looks like you are right next door in Alabama!

  9. Hi Chris, nice to know you! I do hope you get to read one of Donna Tartt’s books soon! If you got a chance to scroll through my latest entries you might have seen that I am struggling with the TBR list right now, so I am hardly one to get on to bloggers for not reading what’s on their shelves. There are just too many choices!

  10. Andi, I have lurked your blog over the years! This is exactly why I am doing BEA–so I won’t be such a stranger! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit. And you live in Dallas! That’s my home town. 🙂

  11. ebookclassics, that was the first Alice Munro collection I read. I was already an avid reader of short stories in general, though. For someone new to short stories like yourself, starting with the anthologies like Best American Short Stories (also Best American Mystery Stories, if you like mysteries), the O’Henry Prize Stories, or Pushcart Stories is a great place to start, because you’ll read a lot of different writers and get an idea of what you like, and then you can get their books and/or find similar writers. I also have a list of story collections I typically recommend in this post:

  12. Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll bookmark your post so I can refer to it during the challenge which I will probably start in July. I’m not sure why I don’t read more short stories. They don’t take up much room or time!

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